Order Your Personally Inscribed RAH Copies

Readers around the country love our new personal inscription option.  Just email your inscription to Roll Around Heaven’s authorized bookstore, the Tea Party Bookshop (as in old-fashioned tea parties, not politics!) and Jessica will inscribe your copies of RAH which will be mailed to you that day — shipping included in price.  Great gift idea!

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Reader’s Quote of the Week — 22 Mar 2010

“I am reading before bed, in bed and shouting ‘yes!’ so many times and reading out loud to Dave…my wonderful husband.  He now wants to read Roll Around Heaven and I am going to send it to my kids.  Thank you so much for this wonderful journey.” Jude Filppi, El Paso, Texas

SRO at Looking Glass Bookstore!

Jessica packed the house at her RAH Talk last night.  And whatta house!  Looking Glass Bookstore in the Sellwood District of Portland, OR, is built onto a charming old red caboose.  “Perfect for a travel writer,” noted one fan.  The store sold out of RAH copies in two minutes flat, too.  Oink!

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RAH Featured on Strand Tea Website!

Since Roll Around Heaven was written with the help of countless cups of Strand Tea (organic Darjeeling and jasmine especially!) it is a great honor to have the book featured on this fabulous Oregon tea purveyor’s website. Thank you Jack Strand! Order today and sip while reading for full-bodied enjoyment! http://www.strandtea.com/shop/books/info_14.html

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